Using Visual SourceSafe – Integrating VSS with Visual Basic 6.0
Using Visual SourceSafe – Integrating VSS with Visual Basic 6.0
This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial
SourceSafe can be integrated into Visual Basic 6.0 to source control the VB forms, modules, class modules, etc.To integrate SourceSafe with VB 6.0, we can do as follows:
1. Choose SourceSafe as the current source control provider.
For information on how to do it, refer to:
2. Open VB 6.0 and check if the Source Code Control add-in is loaded through menu Add-Ins -> Add-In Manager.
If yes, we should be able to find the SourceSafe command under Tools menu.
If no, please edit the vbaddin.ini file by going to Start -> Run: vbaddin.ini and adding the line “vbscc=3 ” in the file.
(Add VB Project to SourceSafe)
(Log on to VSS Database)
(Choose location to place the VB project)
(Add VB files to SourceSafe)
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